What is ChatGPT and how can you apply this AI tool in marketing?

If you've recently been online, you can't help but notice how artificial intelligence (AI) is now a part of our everyday lives. From the AI images people are using on their social profiles to the TikTok AI generators that have everyone talking, AI images are just one of the many AI applications in our daily lives.

Every day, new AI technologies are developed to assist with research tasks, produce movie scripts, market digital artworks, and even optimize search engines. As with any new technology, it will be crucial for marketers to understand at least the fundamentals of it and determine how it may benefit their marketing strategies. Recently, I heard someone on Linkedin describe herself as an AI Marketer; perhaps learning how to use AI could help you stand out from the competition when you apply for your next job.

In this article, we'll briefly discuss ChatGPT, the newest AI technology that's taking the world by storm, as well as how it might benefit you as a content marketer or other marketing expert.

About ChatGPT

GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3) is a state-of-the-art language processing AI model developed by OpenAI. It is capable of generating human-like text and has a wide range of applications, including language translation, language modeling, and generating text for applications such as chatbots. It is one of the largest and most powerful language-processing AI models to date, with 175 billion parameters.

In simple terms, GPT-3 gives a user the ability to give a trained AI a wide range of worded prompts. These can be questions, requests for a piece of writing on a topic of your choosing, or a huge number of other worded requests.

What can it do?

With its 175 billion parameters, it's hard to narrow down what GPT-3 does. It has a pretty wide range of abilities, including everything from writing poems and cliché rom-com in alternate universes to explaining quantum mechanics in simple terms or writing full-length research papers and articles.

Where ChatGPT works and doesn't

Although the GPT-3 software is undoubtedly excellent, that does not imply that it is faultless. The ChatGPT feature allows you to observe some of its peculiarities. The software evidently knows very little about the world after 2021. It won't be able to respond to inquiries concerning recent events because it is unaware of the world leaders who have assumed office since 2021.
Given the near-impossibility of keeping up with current events in the globe while still training the model on them, this comes as no surprise. Additionally, the model may provide inaccurate data, provide incorrect responses, or misinterpret the question you are posing. If you attempt to be overly specific or include too many variables in a prompt. 

How can Marketers use ChatGPT?

Marketers can already leverage AI through innovations like Jasper.ai and copy.ai, but we're also seeing some exciting explorations for ChatGPT. Here are some ways marketers are using ChatGPT today:

  1. Content generation: ChatGPT enables content generation by creating engaging and relevant content based on any specific input. For example, the tool can be used to generate blog post titles, summaries, and even entire articles.

  2. Research and content curation: Marketers can leverage ChatGPT to find and curate content from diverse sources, developing a consistently rich content strategy.

  3. Customer engagement: ChatGPT can reduce the customer engagement burden from marketing and customer teams, assisting with social engagement or providing conversation starters to enhance a company's online presence and customer engagement.

  4. Fast response time: Similar to chatbots, ChatGPT can support marketing and customer teams with quick and accurate responses to customer inquiries, allowing human customer support agents to focus on more complex or unique tasks.

Content marketers will likely leverage artificial intelligence and natural language processing technology in the future to create interesting and relevant content that is tailored to their audience's specific interests and needs. The role of content marketers is likely to evolve as AI technology advances, with the goal of utilizing these technologies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of content generation and dissemination.

Even with the most recent claims that it would eventually replace marketers, we think AI is ultimately here to complement your content marketing efforts. Always keep in mind that with any new technology comes the opportunity for you to expand your skill set. Since it appears that AI will be around this 2023 and far beyond, get familiar with it and, after you've gotten the hang of it, don’t forget to add your new capabilities to your resume.

Gift Arku

Community Manager, Smarketers Hub


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